7 Makia Hastings
Makia Hastings
  • Year:
  • Hometown:
  • High School:
    El Camino Real HS
  • Position:

High School:  El Camino Real

Class:  2012

Height:  5’2

Weight:  119

Softball Highlights:  1st team all league   jv  .

Other Sports Played:  Track and cheer

Parents:  Lawnet Pennewell

Sibblings:  Tamia Kiara and Bobby

Hobbies and Interestsl:  Playing sportsFavorite Foodl:  Burgers with avavado and fruit and salads

Favorite Book:  The Coldest Winter Ever

Favorite Movie:  Despicable me

Favorite TV Show:  Law   order,   Special Victims Unit

Most Inspired Person:  Phylicia Johnson

Favorite Quote:  ”The way a team plays as a whole determines its  success. You may have the greatest bunch of   individual stars in the world but if they don’t play together,  the club won’t be worth a dime. “ Babe Ruth   

” Never let the fear of striking out keep you from   playing the game ”  - Babe Ruth

Education Goal:  My educational goal is to get my AA and transfer   on a softball scholarship to a 4yr university and   get my BA.

Life Goal:  My life goal is to get a scholarship to a university%3B   finish school and then start on my career.