Chargers shot 375 to finish 5th at Green River

Chargers shot 375 to finish 5th at Green River

Green River Golf Course, Riverside, CA - The Chargers shot 375 on the final conference match for a fifth place finish at Green River. Overall th Chargers finished the regular season in third place of the conference heading into th onference tournament. 

Green River GC

OCC - 363 (7-0)

PAL - 365 (6-1)

CUY - 367 (5-2)

RCC - 369 (4-3)

CYP - 375/79 (3-4)

SCC -375/80 (2-5)

SAD - 376 (1-6)

IVC - 399 (0-7)


Final Conference Standings

OCC - 43-13

SCC - 34-22

CYP - 31-25

PAL - 31-25

RCC - 30-26

CUY - 29-27

IVC - 13-43

SAD - 13-43