Chargers shot 390 and finished 4th in first conference match

Chargers shot 390 and finished 4th in first conference match

Navy Golf Course, Cypress, CA - The Chargers host the first conference match of the season at the Navy Golf Course. With Spencer Saunders leading all Chargers to a 4th place finish.

Chargers Scores:

Spencer Saunders   73
Fidel Rodriguez        78
Dennis Waites         79
Steven Canales       80
Aubrey Harwell        80
Shane Morrison       81


Team Finish:

OCC         364 (7-0)
PALO        373 (6-1)
RCC         378 (5-2)
SCC         378 (4-3)
SAD         378 (3-4)
CYP         390 (2-5)
IVC          397 (1-6)
CUY         402 (0-7)